Friday, June 26, 2009

On Deck: Afro Samurai, Tomb Raider: Underworld

I'm heading off to a nice vacation and will, sadly, have to leave my consoles behind. I'll also have to leave my newest Gamefly arrivals: Afro Samurai and Tomb Raider: Underworld behind in yet another cost-ineffective attempt to cycle through lots of games.


I'm kind of looking forward to both of these games for different reasons. Afro Samurai caught my attention via the downloadable demo on XBLA. I loved the stylized look, the cool feel, and I felt like Samuel L. Jackson might be able to redeem himself with his VO work in this game (I'm one of those weird folks who really only thinks he has two "great" movie credits to his name: Pulp Fiction and The Search for One Eyed Jimmy).

Tomb Raider: Underworld caught my attention because I wanted to explore some more "dos" (and likely "do nots") in the world of Wii-mote based game play. I've been having a blast these past few months working on non-gamepad based games and figure I should dig in some more before investing in a turntable, skateboard, or new-fangled camera (yes, I already have the plastic instruments).

I've also started posting on the as a local Seattle "Gaming Lifestyle" writer. We'll see how it goes. My bio and first post should be going up soon -- I'll be sure to announce it here when it goes live.

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