Sunday, August 3, 2008

WordScraper User Created Content: It's not always sporn...

So, a group on Facebook now hosts a place where people can upload screenshots and links to custom Word Scraper boards that they have created.

To the left is one of the cooler screenies that I saw posted. Yes, it's probably not fun to play, but it is a fine example of user generated content that is deviant in a prosocial way. While I saw Word Scraper as a tool to iterate on game design ideas, someone else saw it and said "hey, this would be a great way to send a creative greeting message to a friend who loves Scrabble." It's a great example of how successful games and social utilities allow people to approach them with their own set of expectations, preferences, and play styles. For most Word Scraper players, it will afford them only one use: A way to play Scrabble with friends. But for people who are interested in contributing their own game and social content, it provides an engine that allows these folks to pursue other goals.

Now I'm off to Word Scraper again... I'm trying to figure out the correct color and placement of tiles to make a large phallus board that I can send to my friends ;)

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